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Branding Be Nurtured

When you think about a professional you see their logo, know their values, and understand their mission. Lately, I've been thinking about myself in this next phase of my life.

What is my brand?

In the last years of my undergraduate career, I was public speaking and facilitating discussions. Along with communicating and mentoring those that came to me for guidance. I know that my mission is driven by the anointing that God has placed over my life.

With the help of a friend, he wanted me to answer the following:

(by the way... thank you!)



What personality does this brand have?

As a person...

Here are my answers

Values: Transparency, growth, and perseverance

Mission: Fruitfulness and self-growth can inspire change within yourself and your community. With the guidance of mentorship that comes through nurturing our talents can exceed our own expectations.

Be Nurtured; Be YOU!

Personality: Excitement, opportunity, community, and joy

As a person: The faith-driven woman, with a maternal instinct for caring and facilitating growth. " Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches." - Matthew 13:32-

Be Nurtured

a personalized life coaching experience You will learn: - to achieve personal/professional goals - effective communication skills - conflict/resolution techniques - work/life balance - organizational skills

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